UNR related

Do you know where the internet will lead us?

This is the question that a lot of writers are looking forward to find an answer. Unfortunately nobody knows how it will end. However, we know that internet is changing behavior.

New platforms are coming once in wile. Not long ago everybody used myspace, aol, youtube, flicker. Now is facebook, twitter, vimeo video, skype. There are so many platform coming up and substituting other that is hard to follow.

In on hand, we have the power of change. Clay Shirky, wrote Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organize Without Organizations,  in his book, Shirky came with the conclusion that people collaborate in the internet for free, and they are more productive when they do so.

Communities platform give to people the power of speech. They can say however they want and be listener for it. The communication became free and without a traditional or professional style.

Where this is going to take us? How is going to be the communication  in few years for now? I don’t know, and so far nobody seems to know. But the important behavior to have is be aware of what is happen and prepare to adapt to changes.